03 April 2013

The Rubaiyat (Omar Khayyam)

The sun with its morning light the earth ensnare
The king celebrated the day with a wine so fair
The herald of dawn intoxicated would blare
Its fame and aroma, for time having not a care.

Everywhere I look, I see a sign
Of an order that is great, divine
Even the sweet passionate red wine
Is the blood in this heart of mine.

The signs of what’s to come has always been
Has always written both benevolent and mean
What is our lot was given by the hand unseen
With futility we try, exert, weep or keen.

The hands of fate play our game
We the players are given a name
Some are tame, others gain fame
Yet in the end, we’re all the same.

Those who went in pursuit of knowledge
Soared up so high, stretched the edge
Were still encaged by the same dark hedge
Brought us some tales ere life to death pledge.

Once transpired, cannot be changed
Only pain will  come if remorse engaged
Though with sorrow you may be aged
Not even a dot will be rearranged.

Every joyous moment you waste
Deprive yourself of heavenly taste
Confess, repent, praise, or be chaste
Towards your grave you’ll go with haste.

Alas the youthful fire is a dying ember
The spring of life has reached December
What is termed youth, I vaguely remember
But know not whence and how from life’s chamber.

From the depths of earth to heights of Saturn
We’ve solved all riddles, turn after turn
Break every chain, our ignorance burn
Except the riddle that fills the urn.

The grass that grows by every stream
Like angelic smiles faintly gleam
Step gently, cause it not to scream
For it has grown from a lover’s dream.

Anxiously I began this course
With life my awe grew even worse
Unwillingly returned with force
What was the point, I ask my source.

In the wheel of fortune the unseen vine
Drink, be merry, wait your turn in line
When it is your turn, neither cry nor whine
Everyone must taste the same deadly wine.

Why ponder thus the future to foresee,
and jade thy brain to vain perplexity?
Cast off thy care, leave Allah's plan to him
He formed them all without consulting thee.