This harsh and splendid land,
with snow-covered rock mountains,cold-crystal streams,
deep forests of cypress, juniper and ash
Is as much my body as what you see before you here.
I can not be separated from this or from you.
Our many hearts have only a single beat.
The seeming opposition between life and death is now cut through.
Do not thrash or lunge or flee.
There is no longer a container or anything to be contained.
All is resolved in dazzling measureless freedom.
Our earth is wounded.
Her oceans and lakes are sick; her rivers are like running sores;
The air is filled with subtle poisons.
And the oily smoke of countless hellish fires blackens the sun.
Men and women scattered from homeland,
family, friends, wander desolate and uncertain, scorched by a toxic sun....
In this desert of frightened, blind uncertainty,
Some take refuge in the pursuit of power.
Some become manipulators of illusion and deceit.
If wisdom and harmony still dwells in this world,
as other than a dream lost in an unopened book,
they are hidden in our heartbeat.
And it is from our hearts that we cry out.
We cry out and our voices are the single voices of this wounded earth.
Our cries are a great wind across the earth.
Our earth is wounded.
Her oceans and lakes are sick; her rivers are like running sores;
The air is filled with subtle poisons.
And the oily smoke of countless hellish fires blackens the sun.
Men and women scattered from homeland,
family, friends, wander desolate and uncertain, scorched by a toxic sun....
In this desert of frightened, blind uncertainty,
Some take refuge in the pursuit of power.
Some become manipulators of illusion and deceit.
If wisdom and harmony still dwells in this world,
as other than a dream lost in an unopened book,
they are hidden in our heartbeat.
And it is from our hearts that we cry out.
We cry out and our voices are the single voices of this wounded earth.
Our cries are a great wind across the earth.